Unjust: how inequality and mental health intertwine


Andy Bell reflects on a recent peer research study and shares the steps that any mental health service can take to help people reclaim their rights, their personhood, and their equal citizenship.

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Cost of living linked to depression in healthcare workers

In comparison to medical positions, healthcare workers in nursing roles were over 2 times more likely to experience financial concerns and meet the criteria for depression.

Lisa Lloyd summarises a UK-based cohort study investigating the associations between financial concerns and the development of depression in healthcare workers.

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Not all wealth is health: how does parental wealth affect children’s cognitive ability, mental and physical health?


Vishal Bhavsar reviews a cohort study which finds that greater parental housing wealth was associated with fewer emotional and behavioural problems in children.

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Stress and mental wellbeing among PhD students: what are the predictors and how can we help?


Tayla McCloud reviews a recent paper which finds that imposter syndrome might be at the heart of both poor wellbeing and high stress levels in PhD students.

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Mental health and benefits insecurity


Consultant psychiatrist Dr Dieneke Hubbeling critically analyses a recent study looking at mental health benefits insecurity, and concludes that it is important for clinicians to realise that there is probably no such thing as benefits security.

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Service improvement needs “a more empowering, bottom-up approach” says Nuffield Trust report

Blackboard with chalk writing saying "Our Priorities"

In this blog, Caroline De Brún looks at a report published by the Nuffield Trust, which suggests a list of priorities for the government to act on, around improvement in the NHS.

[read the full story...]

“Financial crisis provides a window of opportunity and stimulus for reform” says a Health Foundation report

Measuring tape wrapped around a wad of Euros

This is a summary of an evidence scan produced by The Health Foundation about lessons the NHS can learn from other countries about managing financial crisis.

[read the full story...]

Learn from historical deficits to prepare for future financial challenge, says new Nuffield Trust report


This new report from the Nuffield Trust is the first output of a project developed with the Audit Commission and NHS Confederation.  This first output is the result of qualitative research to capture learning from earlier periods of financial deficit within the NHS, with a view to preparing for the financial challenges ahead.  The second [read the full story…]

Collaborating for cost effectiveness : CIPFA reports on “Sharing the Gain”


For clinical commissioning groups and commissioning support services moving to agree Service Level Agreements this summer, this ‘how-to’ guide on developing and running shared public services is one for the week-end reading pile. Reducing costs via collaborative working is high on the agenda for public service bodies.  “Sharing the Gain” from CIPFA (the leading professional [read the full story…]

NHS Operating Framework 2012/13: the new commissioning landscape

map of UK

The NHS Operating Framework 2012/13 focuses on the new commissioning landscape. It lays out the planning, performance and financial requirements for NHS organisations in 2012/13 and the basis on which they will be held to account. This brief overview simply picks out the headlines. Commissioners will want to get into the detail of this annual [read the full story…]