Powered Air-Purifying Respirator (PAPR) use for prevention of highly infectious viral disease in healthcare workers


Mark-Steven Howe takes a look at a preprint of a systematic review that evaluates the effect of Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPRs)for respiratory protection compared with N95/FFP2 masks on HCW infection rates and contamination.

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Face masks: Extended use and re-use


This rapid evidence review was conducted in line with Cochrane interim guidance for rapid reviews and a summary was published as part of the Oxford Covid-19 Evidence Review Service on the 5th June.

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FFP3 fit testing accuracy and Covid-19 prevalence update

FFP3 Atemluftfilter_Einwegmaske

In another of his series of blogs on Covid-19 Mark-Steven Howe looks at the latest data on prevalence from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) and data on the fit testing of FFP3 masks.

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Face shield studies and droplet contamination

Face shield

In another of his Covid-19 related blogs Mark-Steven Howe looks at the effectiveness of face shields for preventing droplet contamination.

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Re-opening of dental services: A rapid review of international sources -update

This paper is not a systematic review. It is a carefully considered review of key literature from one expert’s perspective and is therefore prone to bias.

Mark-Steven Howe looks at this update of a rapid review of internationssl recommendations for re-opening of dental services published just 10 days after the first review and including a further 5 international guidelines.

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COVID-19 Dental Elf blogs


On this page we have compiled all our dental blogs related to the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS- CoV-2) or COVID-19 outbreak.

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Re-opening of dental services: A rapid review of international sources

Systematic reviews of antidepressants have found beneficial effects overall on depressive symptoms and suicidality in adults and in children.

Mark-Steven Howe looks at this rapid review of recommendations for re-opening dental services following changes to dental services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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How much extra protection does an FFP3 mask offer in the dental surgery?

FFP3 Atemluftfilter_Einwegmaske

This rapid review suggests that in the clinical environment where high volume aspiration and rubber dam is in use during dental AGP procedures there may be no significant additional benefit in wearing an FFP3/FFP2 or surgical mask.

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