“I’m always going to be tired”: fatigue in adolescent depression


Georgia Kemp reflects on a recent qualitative paper that looks at adolescents’ personal accounts of fatigue as a symptom in depression.

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Psilocybin for ‘treatment-resistant depression’: an island of hope in an ocean of uncertainty?


In this blog, UCL MSc students consider an RCT published in the New England Journal of Medicine, which suggests that psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy may help reduce depression in people with severe and enduring illness, but side effects are common and more research is needed to look into longer term effects.

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Adolescent depression is not the same as adult depression: new systematic review focuses on adolescents’ lived experiences

How are we currently supporting adolescents presenting with depression in clinical practice? Are we tailoring our approach, or are we treating them like mini adults?

Nina Higson-Sweeney reflects on the findings of a recent systematic review looking at the lived experience of adolescent depression, which has important implications for anyone supporting young people at risk of depression.

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Exercise therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome


In this blog, Tracey Howe looks at a Cochrane systematic review, examining the effects of exercise therapy for patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

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