Katherine Tallent writes her debut blog on a recent longitudinal controlled study exploring psychosocial singing interventions for the mental health and well-being of family carers of patients with cancer.
[read the full story...]Carers’ experiences of involuntary admission under mental health legislation
Juliana Onwumere summarises a recent qualitative review that explores carers’ experiences of involuntary admission of family members or loved ones to mental health inpatient units.
[read the full story...]Mental health carers: peer-led training, education and support #MentalHealthCarers
Bethany Gill helps us prepare for the #MentalHealthCarers event by summarising a service evaluation of a peer-led psychoeducation programme which aims to improve mental health carers well-being, reduce burden and enrich empowerment.
[read the full story...]The role of ICT in Ageing in Place: a family matter
Jacqueline Damant considers a qualitative study looking at the experiences of older people and their support networks in using ICT to support Ageing in Place.
[read the full story...]The costs of care prior to institutionalisation among people living with Alzheimer’s disease
The past few decades have seen a gradual shift of provision of services for older people from residential care to community-based care in the UK and other high-income countries. ‘Ageing in place’ is a widely accepted and supported discourse. In practice, receiving care at home enables older people to stay in a familiar environment, and [read the full story…]
Advance care planning in dementia nursing homes with family carers
Josie Dixon considers a paired-cluster randomised controlled trial of an advance care planning intervention, called the Family Carer Decision Support (FCDS) intervention, undertaken by Kevin Brazil and colleagues (2018) in dementia nursing homes.
[read the full story...]Psychosis and physical health: listening to patients and family carers
Shuichi Suetani and Sharon Lawn explore a recent viewpoint article on physical health problems in psychosis, which asks: Is it time to consider the views of family carers?
[read the full story...]Sleep problems in dementia: a promising treatment?
A group of UCL Masters Students summarise the DREAMS-START trial (Dementia RElAted Manual for Sleep; STrAtegies for RelaTives), which looks at the feasibility and acceptability of a simple 6 session intervention delivered by psychology graduates for people with dementia and their carers affected by sleep disturbances.
[read the full story...]‘Well – what do you know?’ Insights into information work among carers of people living with dementia
Jill Manthorpe’s blog considers findings from a scoping review and institutional ethnography of the ‘information work’ done by family carers of community-dwelling older adults living with dementia, by Dalmer (2018).
[read the full story...]Mental Health Act review: the demise of the nearest relative?
Kathryn Berzins considers the implications of a recent rapid systematic review of the views and experiences of the Nearest Relative provision of the Mental Health Act (1983).
[read the full story...]