Mental Elf Researcher in Residence, Shuranjeet Singh, shares his experiences of power and exploitation in mental health research, and presents restorative reciprocity as a framework for confronting and responding to these historic and ongoing issues.
[read the full story...]Contemplating compassion in mental health research: Researcher in Residence – Shuranjeet Singh
Shuranjeet Singh is our new Mental Elf Researcher in Residence. In this blog he explores the role that compassion has to play in the future of mental health research.
[read the full story...]Faith based CBT for depression and anxiety: review highlights a lack of good quality evidence
Alan Underwood considers a new systematic review and meta analysis, which highlights the lack of evidence for faith based CBT in treating people with depression or anxiety disorders.
[read the full story...]Characteristics of faith communities inclusive of people with learning disabilities identified in US survey
The issue of faith and participation in faith communities for people with learning disabilities is not widely explored in the literature. In 2004, the foundation for people with learning disabilities published the report of a two-year action research project to develop and describe creative ideas for meeting people’s religious needs and produced a good practice [read the full story…]
Study finds risk that spirituality of people with learning disabilities is being ignored
This Scottish study set out to review the evidence on support for spirituality for people with learning disabilities, an area the author describes as relevant but neglected as a topic and rarely addressed by healthcare professionals. The author met with a wide range of stakeholders including people with disabilities, local faith groups, service managers, parents [read the full story…]