Adolescents are more sensitive to social media feedback


Nora Skjerdingstad presents a recent study that the explores the constant feedback we encounter on social media platforms, and the impact that ‘likes’ can have on adults and young people.

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Depressive symptoms and negative online disclosures: is the clue in the post?


A group of UCL MSc students review a recent mixed-methods study which suggests that online disclosure of negative emotions and experiences (posted to Facebook) are linked with depression symptoms in US college students.

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Social media peer support groups for OCD and related disorders: helpful or harmful?


In her debut blog, Margherita Zenoni explores a mixed methods survey, which finds that social media support groups may be harmful for some people with OCD or related disorders.

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Social media to diagnose depression: should this be used to target mental health care?


In their debut blog, Rina Dutta and Charlotte Cliffe summarise a mixed methods study, which explores public opinion about using social media to diagnose depression.

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Man Up: using social media to tackle male suicide


Jonny Benjamin blogs about a recent evaluation of the Australian Man Up multimedia campaign, which aimed to influence the online conversation about masculinity and suicide.

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Ethics of social media research: from Big Brother to rainbow unicorns


This jointly authored blog is written by André Tomlin and the people who attended a PenCLAHRC blogging workshop in Exeter yesterday. As a group they consider the findings of a qualitative systematic review of attitudes toward the ethics of research using social media.

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#MQScienceMeeting: transforming lives with better mental health research


André Tomlin looks back at the #MQScienceMeeting Mental Health Science Meeting that took place in London on 2-3 Feb 2017.

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