Face shield studies and droplet contamination

Face shield

In another of his Covid-19 related blogs Mark-Steven Howe looks at the effectiveness of face shields for preventing droplet contamination.

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Re-opening of dental services: A rapid review of international sources -update

This paper is not a systematic review. It is a carefully considered review of key literature from one expert’s perspective and is therefore prone to bias.

Mark-Steven Howe looks at this update of a rapid review of internationssl recommendations for re-opening of dental services published just 10 days after the first review and including a further 5 international guidelines.

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COVID-19 Dental Elf blogs


On this page we have compiled all our dental blogs related to the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS- CoV-2) or COVID-19 outbreak.

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Re-opening of dental services: A rapid review of international sources

Systematic reviews of antidepressants have found beneficial effects overall on depressive symptoms and suicidality in adults and in children.

Mark-Steven Howe looks at this rapid review of recommendations for re-opening dental services following changes to dental services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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