Sarah Carr takes a look at CQC’s State of Adult Social Care Report 2014/15 and corrals the elves in to mine the Social Care Elf archive for some research blogs to help adults social care providers improve services quality.
[read the full story...]Sarah Carr takes a look at CQC’s State of Adult Social Care Report 2014/15 and corrals the elves in to mine the Social Care Elf archive for some research blogs to help adults social care providers improve services quality.
[read the full story...]Lindsey Pike examines an Australian study on what helps and hinders evidence-based practice in social work and discusses messages for the UK situation.
[read the full story...]Andre Tomlin and Douglas Badenoch tell us a little more about their background in evidence-based healthcare and their work at Minervation in Oxford.
[read the full story...]André Tomlin presents his 6 top tips for engaging with research evidence, taken from his #NPNR15 talk at the 21st International Network for Psychiatric Nursing Research conference taking place in Manchester on 17-18 September 2015.
[read the full story...]Sarah Carr takes an unusual step of appraising a ‘think tank’ research report on e-marketplaces for social care and discusses the work in relation to the broader context of evidence-based policy.
[read the full story...]Sarah Carr considers a Swedish study on understandings of evidence-based practice in social work practitioners, managers and policy makers and wonders how the findings could relate to social work in the UK.
[read the full story...]Mary Larkin discusses a US study of a person-centred, evidence-based carer support intervention and thinks about implications of the findings for the UK context.
[read the full story...]Following the publication of the Knowledge and Skills Statement for Social Workers in Adult Services yesterday, the special blog asks how the Social Care Elf can help social workers with their knowledge, skills and continuing professional development.
[read the full story...]Mike Clark, a man who’s in the business of research and evidence based practice, looks at an Australian study about policy makers’ use of research evidence. He discovers what some of the cultural and practical barriers are and thinks about the UK context.
[read the full story...]Something a bit different today; a reflective blog from André Tomlin who has spent most of the last week discussing the new DCP #UnderstandingPsychosis report on Twitter. He considers the pros and cons of social media and what this whole discussion means for the future of the Mental Elf.
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