Lifetime risk of treated mental disorders


This new study concludes that approximately one-third of the Danish population will receive treatment in secondary care for a mental disorder across their lifetime. Should we be talking about 1 in 3, rather than 1 in 4?

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The prevalence of peg-shaped lateral incisors is higher among Mongoloid people


The peg-shaped lateral incisor is one that has an incisal mesiodistal width of the tooth crown shorter than the cervical width. This can lead to aesthetic, orthodontic and periodontal problems for the patient.  The aim of this review was to assess the prevalence in relation to race, sex, population type and continent of origin. The [read the full story…]

Factors stopping the nation from getting back on its feet: a survey of the non-fatal burden of disease due to mental disorder

Helping sister back to her feet

In times of economic adversity, the health and well-being of a nation needs consideration in order to maximise the workforce and productivity. The number of people and the amount of time spent in an adverse health-state is a prominent driver of population ill health.  Most mental illnesses begin early and persist over a lifetime. Approximately [read the full story…]

Is Work Load a Risk Factor for Osteoarthritis of the Hip? A Systematic Review

man pulling pallet

A previous blog by one of our industrious Musculoskeletal Elves looked at how osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip or knee affected work participation. This got me thinking about the converse situation – can work be a predisposing factor for the development of OA? We Elves are involved in quite a lot of heavy lifting, particularly around Christmas [read the full story…]

Mapping chronic disease risk from GP data: geovisualisation of risk


An innovative study to describe chronic disease risk in Tower Hamlets brought geographers and clinicians together. Objective To test the feasibility of bringing together epidemiological and environmental data to prepare small-area geospatial maps of chronic disease risk Study design Cross-sectional geospatial analysis using electronic record data collected routinely in general practice, taking type 2 diabetes [read the full story…]