Síofra Peeren explores an Australian qualitative study looking at the trauma and mental health impacts of coercive control, which suggests that psychological tactics of coercion and control are just as, if not more distressing than physical tactics.
[read the full story...]Is targeting loneliness the key to releasing people from entrapment and preventing suicide?
Liam Pikett summarises a cross-sectional study exploring the association of family, social and romantic loneliness with suicidal ideation and self-harm.
[read the full story...]Many men do seek help prior to suicide, but are services adequately designed to assess men’s needs?
Cara Richardson summarises a qualitative photovoice study, which finds that some men who died by suicide did seek help before their death, but the help given was often ineffective.
[read the full story...]Integrated Motivational Volitional model of suicidal behaviour #WSPD18
Today Alexandra Pitman and Lisa Marzano help us understand the IMV model of suicidal behaviour; a comprehensive theoretical model of suicidal behaviour, which has recently been updated by Professor Rory O’Connor of the Glasgow University Suicide Research Laboratory.
[read the full story...]