A non-surgical root canal treatment for periodontal-endodontic lesions was usually performed as an initial treatment step, but this systematic review found little high quality evidence.
[read the full story...]Review suggests that electronic apex locators may be useful in primary dentition
Electronic apex locators (EALs) have used in permanent teeth since the 1960s and they have been gaining in popularity. The use of EALs in the primary dentitions was proposed in 1996. The aim of this review was to compare the accuracy of EALs in primary teeth when compared to actual root canal lengths (ARCLs). Searches [read the full story…]
Only limited evidence on the use of photodynamic therapy in root canal disinfection
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been suggested as a potential adjunctive aid to disinfection of the root canal. In principle, it uses a nontoxic photosensitizer that is selectively absorbed in a target tissue and a low-intensity light source. Upon photo-induced activation of the photosensitizer, in the presence of oxygen, a series of reactions produce free radicals [read the full story…]
Electronic Apex Locators may perform better than radiography alone
When performing root canal treatment determining the position of the apical constriction of the tooth in order to gauge the ‘working length’ of the root canal is an important step. Traditional this has been performed with radiographs although electronic apex locators (EALs) have been available for may years and are becoming increasingly popular. The aim [read the full story…]
Study suggests increased failure risk in root treated teeth with less coronal structure restored with fibre post
The aim of this study was to assess whether the amount of residual coronal structure and the type of cement used for fibre post luting (self-adhesive cement vs. composite core material) affected the four-year survival of root-filled premolars. Patients requiring endodontic treatment and single-unit crown restoration of premolars were eligible. Patients were divided into two [read the full story…]
Scant evidence to assess whether root-filled teeth are more at risk of external root resorption during orthodontic treatment
Orthodontically induced external apical root resorption (OIEARR) has been classified as surface resorption caused by loss of cementum. Usually this is superficial and unidentifiable radiographically but if this occurs apically it can be seen as shortening of the tooth. Typically OIEARR is less than 2mm and clinically insignificant. OIEARR greater than 4mm is severe and [read the full story…]
On-demand analgesic use following root canal treatment resulted in similar pain relief but reduced consumption compared with regular prescription
The management of pre- and post-operative pain is a key component of endodontic treatment with studies reporting that the incidence of post operative pain (flare-up) ranges from 3-58%. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the most common medication used for managing pain after root canal treatment (RoCT). The aim of this study was to compare the [read the full story…]
Review finds limited evidence for predisposing factors for irrigant extrusion during root canal treatment
Irrigation of root canals is an integral part of root canal treatment. A range of irrigant materials have been used with sodium hypochlorite being the material most currently favoured. However this and other agents can cause damage if not kept within the confines of the root canal system. The aim of this review was to [read the full story…]
Weak evidence for success rates of dental restorations placed on root-treated teeth
Root canal treatment (RoCT) is a common dental procedure and an understanding of the survival of RoCT teeth and their restorations is an important consideration. The aim of this review was to assess the success rates for single crowns, fixed and removable dental prostheses, as well as for the different kinds of posts placed on [read the full story…]
Small study found that pre-operative ibuprofen improved efficacy of inferior alveolar nerve blocks
Inferior alveolar nerve block (IANB) is a routine technique for achieving regional anaesthesia. However, it is not always successful, with inflammation being a potential cause. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of preoperative oral ibuprofen (IBU) on the success of inferior alveolar nerve blocks (IANBs) with mepivacaine containing 1: 100 000 epinephrine for [read the full story…]