Antibiotics to prevent bacterial endocarditis following dental procedures

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This Cochrane review update of antibiotic prophylaxis before invasive dental procedures in people at risk or at high risk of bacterial endocarditis included one case-controlled study. Consequently, there is no clear evidence about whether antibiotic prophylaxis is effective or ineffective against bacterial endocarditis in at-risk people who are about to undergo an invasive dental procedure.

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Infective endocarditis prophylaxis – NICE reaffirms 2008 guidance


NICE has completed a review of its 2008 guidance on antimicrobial prophylaxis against infective endocarditis following the publication of a recent study. NICE found no need to change any of its existing guidance.

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Costs of routine antibiotic prophylaxis prescribing to dental patients in the USA


In March 2008 the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) produced new guidance recommending the cessation of antibiotic prophylaxis for all patients at risk of infective endocarditis undergoing dental and a wide range of other invasive procedures. At the time this was controversial and although there were similar changes to recommendations in American [read the full story…]