Kate Chartres and Dafni Katsampa summarise a systematic review exploring anxiety, depression, trauma-related, and sleep disorders among healthcare workers during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic.
[read the full story...]Burnout and exhaustion amongst medical students in England
Nikki Nabavi writes her debut blog on a recent study, which used an online survey to ask medical students from London, Sheffield, Hull and York about their wellbeing, burnout and exhaustion.
[read the full story...]Feeling the burn: do interventions to prevent burnout in doctors work?
Chris Pell summarises a recent systematic review and meta-analysis about interventions to prevent and reduce physician burnout.
[read the full story...]Turn on, tune in, burnout: clerical burden, e-health systems and doctor burnout
Chris Pell considers a recent US study of the relationship between clerical burden and e-health systems with doctor burnout and professional satisfaction.
[read the full story...]Burnout in dentistry
33 papers on burnout in dentistry were included in this review with thematic analysis identifying a number of factors including; younger age, male gender, student status, high job-strain/working hours, those enrolled in clinical degree programmes and certain personality types associated with the condition.
[read the full story...]