Clarissa Giebel summarises a recent review global cohort studies, which asks the question – is dementia on the downturn, and are the risks the same in high-income or low to middle income countries?
[read the full story...]Clarissa Giebel summarises a recent review global cohort studies, which asks the question – is dementia on the downturn, and are the risks the same in high-income or low to middle income countries?
[read the full story...]Jack Wainwright explores how ADHD can impact on all aspects of our lives, not just the three key symptom domains, but on our lifestyle, physical and mental health.
[read the full story...]Ayana Cant summarises the findings from a recent umbrella review on the social determinants of mental health in major depressive disorder, which suggests that early life adversities, intimate partner violence, and food insecurity were the biggest risk factors for depression.
[read the full story...]Sofiia Kornatska reviews a non-randomised trial exploring a dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) based universal intervention on adolescent social and emotional well-being in Australian schools.
[read the full story...]In her debut blog, Dr Huong Le evaluates a UK population-based retrospective cohort study investigating the impact of early childhood disadvantage on a variety of adverse health and educational outcomes in adolescence.
[read the full story...]In her latest blog, Laura Hankey summarises a longitudinal study using ALSPAC data that explored associations between anxiety, depression, and comorbid anxiety/depression in childhood and adverse outcomes in young adulthood.
[read the full story...]Emily Hards and Maria Loades summarise a cluster randomised controlled trial exploring the effectiveness of universal process-based CBT for positive mental health in early adolescence.
[read the full story...]In this new blog Rrbecca Manson looks at a review of the factors associated with determining access to dental care among refugees worldwide. Nine observational studies were included and a number of factors influencing access at an individual level are identified.
[read the full story...]Theofanis Kyriacou & Andie Ashdown consider a systematic review of risk and protective factors for trauma transmission among trauma-affected refugees and their non-exposed children.
[read the full story...]In her debut blog, Jude Madani summarises the findings of the PRODIGY trial, which looked at the clinical and cost-effectiveness of social recovery therapy for the prevention and treatment of long-term social disability among young people with emerging severe mental illness.
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