Bruxism in Down Syndrome patients


This review to assess the prevalence in bruxism in patients with Down Syndrome included 8 small studies. The studies were hetrogeneous with a pooled prevalence of 33% (95% CI: 22 to 45%).

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Tooth grinding in children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders


This review of the prevalence of tooth grinding and/or clenching in children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders and other developmental anomalies included 77 studies from 2 countries. However a large proportion of the studies were at high risk of bias so the findings need to be interpreted with caution.

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Neurodevelopmental conditions and mental health research: it’s time to #EmbraceComplexity!


In her debut blog, Suzi Sapiets summarises a review exploring psychological treatment of depression in young people with neurodevelopmental conditions, which finds very limited evidence to help neurodiverse individuals. She also tells us that it’s time to #EmbraceComplexity and encourages people to join the Embracing Complexity Research Network.

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Malocclusion in Down syndrome children and adolescents


This review of the occurence of maloclusion in children/adolescents with Down syndrome included 11 studies and suggests a higher prevalence of malocclusion.

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Caries experience and dental care in children with and without learning disabilities

People with autism, learning disabilities or other neurodevelopment conditions may be finding the outbreak even more stressful as it can mean a great deal of change and disruption to daily routines.

This review of caries experience and dental care provision in children with and without learning disabilities included 25 cross sectional studies with findings suggesting no overall difference in caries levels between the two groups.

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Dementia in Down syndrome: Are we ready for a clinical trial?


Leen Vereenooghe summarises the TOP-COG study (Towards Onset Prevention of COGnitive decline in adults with Down syndrome). This pilot RCT highlights the need to educate people with learning disabilities and their carers about the importance of research participation.

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Permanent tooth agenesis in Down syndrome

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This review included 13 observational studies involving 1080 patients demonstrating high prevalence and severity of tooth agenesis in Down syndrome individuals.

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Impacts of special care unit for older adults with learning disabilities and dementia evaluated over three years


People with learning disability may be more likely to develop dementia than other people.

Here Ros Hithersay looks at the findings of a three year evaluation of a special care unit for people with dementia.

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People with Down syndrome experience higher incidence of depression than other people with learning disabilities according to findings of systematic review

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People with learning disabilities have an increased risk of experiencing mental health problems but we need to understand more about the prevalence and presentation of these issues to help clinicians offering appropriate and effective treatments.

Here Angela Henderson looks at a systematic review of the literature on uni-polar depression in people with Down syndrome.

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