New meta-analysis confirms high suicide rates amongst doctors #WMHD2024


Today is World Mental Health Day and the theme this year is ‘Prioritising Mental Health in the Workplace’. Clare Gerada reviews a study showing that doctor suicide rates, particularly for females, exceed those of the general population.

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Doctors working in paediatrics and anaesthetics at higher risk of suicidality, according to Australian survey

While the current study identified higher risks within specific medical specialties, we do not know if there are any common underlying factors linked to job demands and interpersonal dynamics, which could have important implications for developing solutions.

Olga Lainidi summarises a secondary cross-sectional analysis of survey data from Australian consultant doctors that explored associations between different medical specialities and the occurrence of common mental disorders and suicidal ideation.

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Depression and anxiety among doctors during the COVID-19 pandemic: yet more collateral damage?


Eleana Frisira summarises a systematic review that presents recent global prevalence data about the rates of depression and anxiety among doctors during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Oral Cancer – Referral by primary care doctors and dentists


This review comparing primary care doctors and dentists in the referral of oral cancer included 22 mainly retrospective studies. Doctors refered sliightly more than dentists, typically 50% compared with 40% respectively.

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Mental health services for medical students: are specialist university-based student mental health services the answer?


Penelope Stavrou summarises a recent study on mental health services for medical students, which evaluates a clinical student mental health service in Cambridge.

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Universal interventions to prevent mental illness in medical students


Tayla McCloud summarises a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effectiveness of universal programmes for the prevention of suicidal ideation, behaviour and mental ill health in medical students.

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Trainee doctors’ attitudes to mental illness among their peers

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Penelope Zoe Stavrou summarises a recent qualitative study exploring UK trainee doctors’ attitudes to mental illness among their peers and their access to support services.

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Which occupations have the highest potential exposure to the coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Training health professionals mental and physical healthcare in research, training

Mark-Steven Howe takes a look at recent data from the Office for National Statistics on estimated occupational exposure to generic disease, and physical proximity focusing on the dentists and a number of other professional groups.

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COVID trauma response: pandemics require trauma-informed mental health support


Sarah Steeg reviews the new trauma-informed guidance for healthcare workers, developed by the COVID Trauma Response Working Group from UCL and the Camden and Islington NHS Trust. The guidance aims to provide a coordinated, trauma-informed and evidence-based psychological response to the COVID outbreak.

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