This review of Intraoral digital impressions suggest they provide similar accuracy to conventional elastomeric impressions. However only 2 of the 11 studies included are clinical and these are both small, so the results should be interpreted cautiously.
[read the full story...]Digital study models as reliable as traditional plaster models?
This latest review of digital orthodontic models includes 35 studies, the majority directly compared digital and plaster models. The overall quality was considered moderate and digital models were considered to be a as reliable as traditional plaster models, with high accuracy, reliability, and reproducibility.
[read the full story...]Digital dental models compare favourably with plaster models
This review compared the accuracy of digital dental models with original plaster models. 16 studies were included and they concluded that digital models were and acceptable alternative to traditional plaster models.
[read the full story...]The minimum record set required for orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning remains undefined
Prior to orthodontic diagnosis a range or records may be obtained, typically these include, dental models, radiographs and facial and intra-oral photographs. Advances in digital technology means that 3D technology is also available. However, the role and use of any or each of these elements of the record set is unclear. Therefore the aim of [read the full story…]