Just how effective are digital mental health workplace interventions?


Chris O’Sullivan explores a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effectiveness of eHealth interventions for reducing mental health conditions in employees.

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Top 10 research questions for digital mental health #DigitalMHQ


John Torous, Editor of the Journal of Medical Internet Research, considers the top 10 digital mental health research questions that are announced today by the NIHR Mindtech James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership on Digital Mental Health.

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Conversational agents for mental health apps: now with added artificial empathy


Matthew Bennion reviews two recent studies that sought to develop artificially empathic conversational agents for use in mental health.

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Smartphone apps for depression: do they work?

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Michelle Eskinazi and Clara Belessiotis write their debut elf blog on a recent meta-analysis of smartphone‐based mental health interventions for depression, which concludes that there is a possibly promising role for apps in the prevention and treatment of sub-clinical, mild and moderate depressive symptoms.

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The Lancet Psychiatry Commission on psychological treatments #SeeingFurther

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Ioana Cristea highlights some of the key ideas from the recently published Lancet Psychiatry Commission on psychological treatments research in tomorrow’s science. She also raises a number of objections to the 50-page report, which we hope will generate some much needed discussion on this topic.

Look out for our #SeeingFurther podcast with the authors of the Commission and a Twitter chat at 12:30pm GMT on Monday 19th March.

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Can virtual reality CBT help people with psychosis be more sociable?

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André Tomlin appraises a new RCT published today of virtual reality CBT versus waiting list control for paranoid ideation and social avoidance in people with psychosis.

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Facing our inner voices: AVATAR therapy for auditory hallucinations in people with psychosis

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Joe Barnby summarises a recent RCT in The Lancet Psychiatry of AVATAR therapy for auditory verbal hallucinations in people with psychosis.

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Youth online discussion forums: how do young people support each other and what do they talk about?


Masters students from the ICH Child and Adolescent Mental Health course explore a recent qualitative study into how young people use the Kooth online discussion forum for emotional and mental health issues.

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Can we build cities that aren’t traps for those at risk of mental ill-health?


Mark Brown blogs about the new Urban Mind study, which looks at how smartphones can measure the impact of nature on mental well-being in real time.

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