Digital Technology for Mental Health: asking the right questions #DigitalMHQ


Lucy Simons invites YOU to tell us what you think are the most important questions about using digital technology for mental health.

There are also some fab prizes up for grabs, so don’t miss out!

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Online intervention for bipolar disorder: what do service users think? #DigiMHweek


Today is the start of Digital Mental Health week, so look out for blogs, webinars, podcasts and loads of social media on the latest digital mental health research #DigiMHweek!

We start with Sarah Rowe blogging about a qualitative study that explores users’ experiences of an online intervention for bipolar disorder.

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Blended therapy for men who self-harm #DigiMHweek


Olivia Kirtley looks at a qualitative study of a blended therapy using problem solving therapy with a customised smartphone app in men who present to hospital with intentional self-harm.

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Are digital tools the answer to improving employee wellbeing and effectiveness? #WorldMentalHealthDay


It’s #WorldMentalHealthDay today and the theme this year is promoting awareness of mental health in the workplace.

We’re getting in on the act with Chris O’Sullivan looking in detail at a recent systematic review of web-based psychological interventions delivered in the workplace, to improve employee wellbeing and effectiveness.

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Predictors of adherence to digital interventions for psychosis


Joe Barnby and Muna Dubad explore a recent systematic review that looks at the potential predictors of adherence to web-based and mobile technologies for people with psychosis.

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cCBT for people with learning disabilities: Pesky gNATs #MHNR2017

Pesky Gnats

Leen Vereenooghe presents the results of an RCT of computerised cognitive behavioural therapy for people with learning disabilities, featuring the computer game “Pesky gNATs: The Feel Good Island”.

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Mental health apps for young people: an evidence-free zone?


Natalie Nelissen from mHabitat publishes her debut elf blog on a recent systematic review of mental health apps for young people, which highlights the current dearth of reliable research to support the efficacy and safety of mobile apps.

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Ecological momentary interventions: smartphones have changed everything and here’s how digital mental health might begin to catch up


Mark Brown is feeling positive about the digital future on mental health after reviewing a new paper about ecological momentary interventions for depression and anxiety.

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Tetris for PTSD: behavioural intervention unlikely to vaccinate against intrusions


Ioana Cristea disputes the claims of a recent proof-of-concept RCT, which aims to prevent intrusive memories after trauma via a brief intervention involving Tetris computer game play in the emergency department.

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Guided self help and cCBT for OCD: OCTET finds low adherence and uncertain fidelity


Alan Underwood reports on the new OCTET trial published last week, which fails to find any support for the use of low-intensity guided self-help or computerised CBT for people with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

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