Digital technology for mental health: asking the right questions #DigitalMHQ

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Please take 10 mins to participate in this important mental health survey #DigitalMHQ. It’s your chance to suggest research ideas about digital technology for mental health.

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EBMH call for papers! New technologies and digital innovation in mental health: special issue


Announcing an exciting new digital partnership between the Evidence Based Mental Health journal, the NIHR MindTech Healthcare Technology Co-operative and The Mental Elf.

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Gamification for health and wellbeing


Sasha Danilina publishes her debut blog about a recent literature review on the effectiveness of gamification applied to health and wellbeing.

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Comparing applets and oranges: barriers to evidence-based practice for app-based psychological interventions


A repost of Simon Leigh’s excellent recent article in Evidence-Based Mental Health on the clear need for consensus and guidance for app developers, as to which patient-reported outcome measures should be used when developing mental health apps.

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#BeyondTheRoom: our new digital conference service will extend the reach of your event


Today we are launching #BeyondTheRoom; an exciting new digital conference service that will create a buzz around your event, extend your reach, facilitate a democratic conversation, create a legacy and report on the impact of your social media activity.

We can bring live tweeting, live blogging, live podcasting and live streaming to YOUR event.

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NICE one? Is NHS guidance on substance misuse fit for purpose?


Ian Hamilton explains why the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence have missed a trick by not updating their 2007 guidance on psychosocial interventions for substance misuse.

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Mental health provider views about digital technologies in day-to-day practice


Victoria Betton considers the findings of a recent North American mixed methods study of mental health providers’ interest in using digital technologies in their day-to-day practice.

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A systematic review and meta-analysis of social media interventions in schizophrenia: too good to be true?


Chris O’Sullivan explores a recent systematic review that looks at the effectiveness of social media interventions for people with schizophrenia.

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#Mindtech2015 Evidence-based research and fast paced technology development

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André Tomlin presents the text of his debate talk from the #Mindtech2015 conference: Trials or Tripadvisor – “This house believes that robust user review is sufficient to evaluate most digital mental health apps”.

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Is clinical research essential to develop good mental health apps?


Join a diverse group of mental health service users, researchers, practitioners and developers to discuss this vital issue. We are debating this question in a #Mindtech15 fringe event taking place in London (and on Twitter) at 7pm on Wednesday 2nd December.

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