This review of the effects of dietary acids and habits on dental erosion in the permanent dentition of 10- to 19-year-old adolescents included 52 observational studies. While the findings suggest some risk factors may contribute to dental erosion more high quality prospective studies are needed.
[read the full story...]Computer games for oral health education in young children
This small RCT of a computer game to deliver oral health education in high caries risk children and families was highly satisfactory to users. Improvements in knowledge were demonstrated is the short term > however there was a high drop out rate an further studies are needed to assess change sin other groups and longer term benefits.
[read the full story...]Personal digital photography may help to assess dietary quality in people with learning disabilities
A number of studies have looked at difficulties with overweight and underweight in people with learning disabilities. An added challenge is the issue of dietary assessment, where getting accurate information about the diet of people with learning disabilities can be difficult. The researchers in this study wanted to look at whether the use of personal [read the full story…]