Poorer cardiovascular screening, diagnosis and management if you have a mental illness


Joanne Wallace summarises a systematic review that highlights disparities in the management of cardiovascular risk factors in people with mental illness.

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QbTest is not a diagnostic tool, but it can increase the efficiency of ADHD diagnosis


Samuele Cortese is impressed by a recent RCT of QbTest: a computerised test of attention and activity, which can improve diagnostic decision-making in children and young people with suspected ADHD.

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Mental health diagnosis: views and experiences of service users and clinicians


Vanessa Pinfold and Jennie Parker from the McPin Foundation explore a recent systematic review of service user, clinician, and carer perspectives on mental health diagnosis.

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How valid are hospital psychiatric diagnoses?


Vishal Bhavsar explores a recent study that uses data linkage to electronic patient records to assess the validity of selected mental health diagnoses in English Hospital Episode Statistics.

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Power Threat Meaning Framework: innovative and important? #PTMFramework


Paul Salkovskis and Jo Edge explore the Power Threat Meaning Framework that was published in January 2018 by the British Psychological Society Division of Clinical Psychology.

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Sameer Jauhar and Paul Morrison consider the revised Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia report from the British Psychological Society Division of Clinical Psychology, which includes updated sections on definitions, aetiology and treatment.

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Sleep bruxism: validity of diagnostic tools


This review of diagnostic tools for sleep bruxism included 8 studies the majority being at high risk of bias. Portable diagnostic devices had best validity but quality of evidence was very-low to moderate.

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Identifying cultural issues in diagnostic assessment: the Cultural Formulation Interview


Clarissa Giebel considers the feasibility, acceptability and clinical utility of the Cultural Formulation Interview; a tool designed to remove barriers to effective diagnosis for people from black and minority ethnic groups.

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#MQScienceMeeting: transforming lives with better mental health research


André Tomlin looks back at the #MQScienceMeeting Mental Health Science Meeting that took place in London on 2-3 Feb 2017.

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How can genetics help us better understand, diagnose and treat mental illness? An interview with Andrew McIntosh


This World Mental Health Day, we share a Wellcome Trust interview with Professor Andrew McIntosh, who has a £4.7 million award to explore why people develop depression. He tells Wellcome how he hopes his work will improve the lives of people with mental health conditions, and how he looks after his own mental wellbeing.

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