Social media to diagnose depression: should this be used to target mental health care?


In their debut blog, Rina Dutta and Charlotte Cliffe summarise a mixed methods study, which explores public opinion about using social media to diagnose depression.

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“I mean, what is depression?” How GPs distinguish between emotional distress and depressive disorder


Linda Gask reviews a recent qualitative exploration of UK general practitioners’ perceptions of distinctions between emotional distress and depression.

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Towards a symptom-based diagnosis of psychotic spectrum disorders?


Stefanie Sturm critically analyses a recent paper that suggests a symptom-based continuum of psychosis explains cognitive and real-world functional deficits better than traditional diagnoses.

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Personality disorder: new position statement from the Royal College of Psychiatrists


Keir Harding summarises the recently published position statement on personality disorder from the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

Readers interested in personality disorder research and services should follow #BIGSPD2020 on Twitter for the British and Irish Group for the Study of Personality Disorder conference on 24-26 March 2020.

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Transdiagnostic approaches to mental health: Keeping the baby and throwing out the bathwater


Melissa Black and Tim Dalgleish summarise and critique a recent review on transdiagnostic psychiatry, which they feel presents an overly negative view of transdiagnostic approaches in mental health.

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Internalising problems in children and adolescents: little evidence for distinct disorders


Katie Finning explores a recent network analysis of internalising disorders (e.g. depression, anxiety, phobias) in children and adolescents, which demonstrates the interconnected nature of internalising symptoms, and challenges the view that such pathology takes the form of distinct disorders.

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Autism and psychiatrists: experience, knowledge and attitudes revealed in new survey


Eloise Stark looks at a recent online survey which seeks to understand psychiatrists’ knowledge, attitudes and experiences in identifying and supporting their patients on the autism spectrum.

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Bipolar disorder and distress: systematic review of first-person accounts


A group of UCL Mental Health Masters Students summarise a meta-synthesis of qualitative research, which looks at what people diagnosed with bipolar disorder experience as distressing.

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Improving care for people with bipolar disorder: meeting unmet needs


Leela Sathyaputri and Jess Fiedorowicz write their debut elf blog on a narrative review of the recent bipolar disorder literature entitled: “Areas of uncertainties and unmet needs in bipolar disorders: clinical and research perspectives”.

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A roadmap to advance dementia research and care by 2025


Clarissa Giebel unfolds and reviews a new roadmap to advance dementia research in prevention, diagnosis, intervention and care by 2025.

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