Limited evidence suggests that co-morbid chronic physical illness may not increase risk for recurrence in depression


There is a widespread clinical presumption that people who have both major depressive disorder (MDD) and a co-morbid chronic physical illness represent a ‘double trouble’ group. This leads to the expectation that the depression prognosis for these people would be poor with increasing likelihood of recurrence. Evidence supports the view that depression is prevalent among [read the full story…]

Depression increases risk of all cause mortality (not just heart disease) in diabetes

Depression is associated with mortality of all causes

This blog is coming across the woodland in stereo as the Diabetes and Mental Elf join forces. In 2011 the Diabetes Elf highlighted Depression and Diabetes: a two way street? a systematic review looking at cause and effect of diabetes and depression and the link between diabetes and cardiovascular disease is not contested. However moving forward [read the full story…]

Are you making the most of your National Elf Service?

The Lifestyle Elf

It’s not all about the Mental Elf you know. There are lots of other elves who spend every waking hour scurrying around to find reliable evidence to help you. There are now seven magnificent elf websites and one more due to launch very soon.  Here’s a quick run down of my brothers and sisters in [read the full story…]

Lack of appropriate information impedes self-management of diabetes in people with learning disabilities


We have posted previously about the management of diabetes in people with learning disabilities, as the prevalence of diabetes is relatively high in this group. It is only relatively recently however, that researchers have begun to explore how people experience having diabetes and how they manage the condition. This small qualitative study involved 17 people [read the full story…]

Depression in adults with a chronic physical health problem: new update from NHS Evidence

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NICE published a clinical guideline on the treatment and management of depression in adults with chronic physical health problems in 2009. This new evidence update refreshes that guidance by searching for new systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials on the subject and summarising them in a short (16 page) document. The authors searched a range [read the full story…]

Lifestyle education can help people with diabetes and schizophrenia lose weight, according to new systematic review


For many different reasons, people with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders have a greater risk of type 2 diabetes.  The prevalence of type 2 diabetes in people with schizophrenia is twice that of the general population. This review looked for evidence of the efficacy of interventions to help people with schizophrenia manage their diabetes. Clinical question [read the full story…]

Periodontal treatment may improve metabolic control in diabetic patients.

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There have been a number of studies including a recent Cochrane review which have looked at the impact of periodontal treatment on glycaemic control in diabetics. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of nonsurgical periodontal therapy on metabolic control in Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) Forty patients with DM2 and chronic [read the full story…]

Self management of diabetes is possible for people with learning disabilities with the right supports


We posted last week about the  challenges faced by people with learning disabilities and diabetes. This New Zealand study looked at the additional challenges associated with self-management, which for people who do not have learning disabilities is encouraged. As the authors point out, this requires understanding of the disease and the implications of the actions [read the full story…]

Study identifies challenges faced by people with learning disabilities and diabetes


There is now significant evidence of under-diagnosed, inadequately managed preventable health conditions in people with learning disabilities and we have posted previously about this as well as drawing attention to a US study that found people with learning disabilities had significantly higher prevalence of diabetes than adults with no disability: 19.4% vs. 3.8%. Despite this, [read the full story…]

Limited available evidence on dental implant treatment in diabetics

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Diabetes mellitus has long been considered a relative contraindication to dental implant therapy.  The aim of this review  was to assess the impact of diabetics glycaemic control on dental implant survival. The authors conducted a search of the Medline database and the references of identified articles that assessed implant survival or failure for patients with [read the full story…]