Capturing the lived experience of depression


Charlotte Walker blogs about a recent World Psychiatry ‘bottom-up review’ on the lived experience of depression; co-written by experts by experience and academic researchers.

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Preventing the onset of depressive disorders #DepressionSolvingTheToll part 1

PimCuijpers square

Part 1 in a four-part series on solving the toll of depression on populations. A talk given by Professor Pim Cuijpers, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, and Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Dissemination of Psychological Interventions.

In this talk, Pim Cuijpers focuses on preventing depressive disorders.

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Equity within IAPT: socio-demographic inequalities in accessing treatment


Lawson Taylor provides an overview of a national cohort study that explored socio-demographic differences in access to NHS Talking Therapies (formerly known as IAPT) services.

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Psychosocial interventions for survivors of human trafficking: a realist review

birds flying in a V formation over a mountainous landscape

In her debut blog, Shivangi Talwar explores this realist review of psychosocial interventions for survivors of human trafficking, which aims to determine what works for whom, in what contexts, and how.

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Are transdiagnostic mental health interventions the future of treatment?


Isabeau Tindall summarises a recent meta-analysis by Pim Cuijpers and colleagues investigating the effective of transdiagnostic treatments for depression and anxiety.

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If you’ve got a mental health problem, who you gonna call?


In her debut blog, Cara McErlain summarises a recent qualitative systematic review exploring patients’ perspectives on barriers and facilitators to accessing mental health support through primary care services in England.

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Is anxiety a gateway to other mental health problems? Comorbidities with depression and other anxiety disorders

Results from the current study largely replicated findings from the NESDA dataset in demonstrating that those with comorbid anxiety and/or depression have more severe presentations that anxiety or depression alone.

Nina Higson-Sweeney summarises a study using data from the UK-based GLAD and COPING NBR cohorts to investigate factors associated with anxiety disorder comorbidity with anxiety and depression.

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Self-stigma for people with depression: systematic review presents global prevalence data, risk factors and protective factors


Pattie Gonsalves blogs about the stigma that people with depression can sometimes feel towards themselves; summarising a recent systematic review that estimates the global prevalence of depression self-stigma, alongside risk factors and protective factors.

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Using the highs to combat the lows: ketamine-assisted therapy for anxiety and depression


In her debut blog, Gabrielle Williams reviews a US study on the safety and effectiveness of ketamine-assisted therapy (a digital intervention combining psychotherapy, journaling and ketamine) for moderate to severe anxiety and depression.

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To seek or not to seek? COVID information-seeking linked to poorer mental health


Olga Lainidi summarises a paper from the UK COVID-19-MH study, which explores the links between COVID-19 information-seeking behaviours during the pandemic, and depression, anxiety and loneliness.

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