Internet based interventions for depression: how can we increase acceptance?


Raluca Lucacel summarises an RCT of Internet based interventions for depression, which finds that a brief informational video shown to people with depression before they receive their treatment, helps to increase their acceptance of the Internet based intervention.

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Can psychotherapy reduce the risk of relapse or recurrence of depression?


Sarah McDonald appraises a new systematic review that asks if psychological interventions can prevent relapse in adults who have recovered from depression.

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Antidepressants during pregnancy and risk of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn


Meg Fluharty examines the findings of a recent study, which looks at the risk of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) when mothers take antidepressants during pregnancy.

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Behavioural activation and smartphones for depression


Lisa Burscheidt summarises a recent RCT of a blended intervention (behavioural activation and smartphones) for depression, which reports promising results for this potentially money-saving treatment.

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CBT for school refusal


Lucy Willetts publishes her debut blog on a Campbell systematic review, which focuses on psychosocial interventions for school refusal with primary and secondary school students.

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Psychotherapy can reduce the risk of relapse or recurrence of depression


Raluca Lucacel summarises a meta-analysis of psychological interventions in preventing recurrence of depression, which includes trials on cognitive behavioural therapy, interpersonal therapy and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy.

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How does parenting impact on the emotional wellbeing of children?


Sarah McDonald summarises a systematic review and meta-analysis of how parenting can impact on childhood anxiety, depression and internalising problems.

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Placebo effect in psychiatry: what do we really know?


David Steele summarises a review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses, which looks at the mediators and moderators of the placebo effect in psychiatry.

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CBT for treating and preventing perinatal depression


Sarah McDonald appraises a systematic review of CBT for treating and preventing perinatal depression. The meta-analysis finds that, when compared to control conditions, CBT resulted in significant reductions in depressive symptoms in both treatment and prevention studies.

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