Combined methylphenidate and citalopram may help older people with depression recover faster

Depressed older man

Lisa Burscheidt summarises a recent randomised controlled trial of combined methylphenidate and citalopram for depression in older people, which presents promising but limited findings.

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Antidepressants for depression in cancer: Cochrane review highlights lack of evidence

Female cancer patient

Kirsten Lawson reports on a recent Cochrane systematic review, which highlights a lack of high quality trials about the efficacy and safety of antidepressants for depression in cancer.

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Cognitive or behavioural components in group therapy for people with mild learning disabilities and depression?

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There is a growing evidence base that with the right modifications, people with learning disabilities can benefit from cognitive behavioural approaches to treating depression.

Here, Rose Tomlins looks at a study which looked at the impact of cognitive, behavioural or joint strategies.

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Psychodynamic therapy: time for a new approach?


Mark Smith summarises a recent narrative review about the effectiveness of psychodynamic therapy for depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, somatic disorders and other mental health conditions.

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Mood Matters: mood instability is common and associated with poor outcomes


Farhana Mann summarises an observational study of mood instability in people with mental illness, which explores its relationship with days spent in hospital, frequency of admissions, the likelihood of being sectioned and the chance of being prescribed antipsychotics and mood stabilisers.

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Psychotherapies for depression in children and young people


Shirley Reynolds considers the findings of a recent network meta-analysis, which investigates the comparative efficacy and acceptability of psychotherapies for depression in children and adolescents.

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Crisis of faith? Instead of CBT, we should be worrying about meta-analyses


Ioana Cristea appraises a recent meta-analysis, which examines whether the treatment effects of CBT have decreased over time. She finds a study with such significant limitations, that her blog ends up questioning the objectivity and reliability of meta-analyses.

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Does cCBT hold promise for the treatment of depression and anxiety in youth?

Teenage boy using laptop

Andres Fonseca appraises and summarises two recent meta-analyses of computerised therapies (including cCBT) for anxiety and depression in children and young people.

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Art therapy for common mental health disorders


Chris Sampson reports on a new HTA systematic review and economic evaluation of art therapy for non-psychotic mental health disorders like depression, anxiety and phobias.

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Psychological support needed across cancer pathway


In this blog, Alison Turner takes a look at guidance, which sets out recommendations for commissioners and providers to improve care and outcomes for people with cancer.

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