CBT for Autism Spectrum Disorders and comorbid mental illness


Alix Dixon presents a recent systematic review on the effectiveness of CBT for autism spectrum disorders and comorbid anxiety or depression.

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Time to stop prescribing antidepressants to young people with depression?


Andrew Shepherd considers the implications of a recent network meta-analysis of the efficacy and tolerability of antidepressants for children and adolescents with depression.

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Exercise in severe mental illness: barriers and motivating factors

classic vintage racing bike

Joanne Wallace considers a recent systematic review of exercise in severe mental illness, which focuses on the factors that motivate people to exercise, and the barriers that can prevent physical activity.

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Specialist depression service may help people with persistent depression


Ben Hannigan reports on a recent RCT of the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a specialist depression service versus usual specialist mental health care to manage persistent depression.

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Depression and coronary heart disease: reasons to remain UPBEAT-UK


Kirsten Lawson summarises the UPBEAT-UK programme of research into the relationship between coronary heart disease and depression and anxiety in primary care patients.

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Fitness to practice: exercise for depression in adolescents


Dave Steele warms up for the winter triathlon season by reading a new systematic review on the effect of exercise on depressive symptoms in adolescents.

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It’s a jungle out there: the natural history of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia


Caroline Struthers scrutinises a systematic review on the longitudinal course of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia.

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Training alone doesn’t improve outcomes for depression in primary care


Linda Gask writes her debut Mental Elf blog on a recent systematic review, which evaluates healthcare team training programs that aim to improve depression in primary care.

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The case for investing in anxiety and depression treatment on a global scale


Chris Sampson looks at a major new economic study into the return on investment of increased coverage for anxiety and depression treatment.

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