Cochrane find insufficient evidence to support the implementation of depression prevention programmes


Ioana Cristea summarises the latest Cochrane review on CBT, third-wave CBT and IPT based interventions for preventing depression in children and adolescents

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#MQScienceMeeting: transforming lives with better mental health research


André Tomlin looks back at the #MQScienceMeeting Mental Health Science Meeting that took place in London on 2-3 Feb 2017.

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“Queer in the head”? Do LGB people in the UK have poorer mental health? #LGBTHM17


At the start of LGBT History Month, Sarah Carr presents some recent research into sexual orientation and symptoms of common mental disorder or low wellbeing.

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How do young adults with diabetes or mental health problems engage with online health information?


Sarah Knowles explores a qualitative study of young adults’ perspectives on producing and consuming user-generated content about diabetes and mental health.

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Digital health for young people with mental health problems: silver bullet or red herring?


Victoria Betton on a recent meta review of digital health interventions for children and young people with mental health problems. The question is, does the evidence square with her experience of what actually happens in practice?

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Violence and women’s mental health: new review summarises the evidence


Nicky Lambert writes her debut Mental Elf blog on a recent review of violence and the impact that it has on women’s mental health

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Is there still a digital divide in mental health?


Lisa Marzano writes her debut elf blog on a recent cross-sectional survey of Internet use in people with psychosis and depression, which explores the extent of the digital divide in mental health.

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Social networking sites and mental health: friend or foe?


Una Foye and Josefien Breedvelt from the Mental Health Foundation publish their debut elf blog on a recent systematic narrative review that aimed to identify and summarise research examining depression and anxiety in the context of social networking websites.

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One size does not fit all: divergent outcomes from CBT and antidepressants for depression


Suzanne Dash explores a recent meta-analysis of CBT and antidepressants for depression, which looked at negative and positive responses to treatment and what predicted different outcomes.

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