Universal resilience: could it be the answer?


Lucinda Powell summarises a systematic review of universal resilience-focused interventions targeting child and adolescent mental health in the school setting.

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Complementary therapies for PTSD: can mindfulness combat the mindlessness of combat? #CAMSTRAND2018


The #CAMSTRAND2018 delegates blog about a recent systematic review of mind-body therapies for Military Veterans with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder).

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CBT for anxiety: new meta-analysis confirms significant improvements to target symptoms

CBT plus taper is effective at reducing benzodiazepine use in the short term (3 months) but this effect is not sustained at 6 months.

Inês Pote summarises a recent meta-analysis of randomised placebo-controlled trials of cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety and related disorders.

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Poorer cardiovascular screening, diagnosis and management if you have a mental illness


Joanne Wallace summarises a systematic review that highlights disparities in the management of cardiovascular risk factors in people with mental illness.

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Brutalised child soldiers and traumatic distress


Our blog today explores a new study in the British Journal of Psychiatry of post-traumatic stress disorder among former Yazidi child soldiers in northern Iraq.

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Mental health diagnosis: views and experiences of service users and clinicians


Vanessa Pinfold and Jennie Parker from the McPin Foundation explore a recent systematic review of service user, clinician, and carer perspectives on mental health diagnosis.

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Moderated online social therapy: relapse prevention for youth depression


Sarah Knowles looks at a next-generation social media-based relapse prevention intervention for youth depression, explored in an Australian qualitative study looking at social networking, safety and clinical benefit.

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The genetics of depression (and anxiety!)


Thalia Eley shares her thoughts on a recent Nature genome-wide association study of depression phenotypes in the UK Biobank, which uses different definitions of depression to provide more tractable targets for future genetic studies.

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Resilience to depression: neural markers in adolescent at-risk females


Matthew Broome appraises a recent cohort study that looks at neural markers of resilience in young women at familial risk for major depressive disorder.

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Exercise may help prevent depression for all ages, genders & nationalities


Donncha Mullin summarises a recent meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies, which establishes a strong link between exercise and depression.

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