Attitudes towards internet interventions make a difference


Maria Loades explores a randomised controlled trial of people with depression, which looks at the impact and change of attitudes towards internet interventions.

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Singing speeds up recovery from postnatal depression faster than usual care #LetsTalkMentalHealthII

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Saoirse Finn writes a #LetsTalkMentalHealthII blog about group singing for women with postnatal depression.

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Depression in young people: are we researching what matters most?


Tamsin Ford asks what outcomes count, when it comes to measuring adolescent depression?

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Infant-feeding behaviours: Can PSAS scores predict the recipe for success?


Melisa Selvaratnam summarises a study on postpartum-specific anxiety as a predictor of infant-feeding outcomes and perceptions of infant-feeding behaviours.

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Higher body mass index is associated with a lower subjective wellbeing


Benjamin Janaway explores a recent mendelian randomisation study that looks at the causal effects between subjective wellbeing and cardiometabolic health.

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Is self-management ready for the mental health mainstream?


Josefien Breedvelt and Peter Coventry explore a new systematic review and meta-analysis of self-management interventions for people with severe mental illness.

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What’s the relationship between adolescent depression and adult depression?


Katie Finning writes her debut elf blog on a recent systematic review which looks at adult mental health outcomes of adolescent depression; including depression, anxiety and suicidality in adults.

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Psychotherapy for adult depression: is it as good as it’s cracked up to be?


Ellie Gant summarises a meta-analysis that asks: Was Eysenck right after all? A reassessment of the effects of psychotherapy for adult depression. The paper suggests that we seriously overestimate the benefits of psychotherapy by including biased trials in meta-analyses, and that there’s insufficient reliable research to be certain about the effectiveness of problem-solving therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy and behavioural activation.

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Cognitive biases in adolescent depression: the more you have, the worse you feel


Maria Loades explores a cross-sectional study of the combined influence of cognitions in adolescent depression, which investigates biases of interpretation, self-evaluation and memory, and concludes that a negative evaluation of the self is strongly associated with depression severity and with a diagnosis of depression.

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Teenage depression linked to poor psychological and social outcomes in later life


Maria Loades writes her debut elf blog on a recent systematic review and meta-analysis on the long-term psychosocial outcomes of teenage depression, which finds that depression as a youth is linked to poor academic outcomes, unemployment and problems with relationships in adult life.

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