Stopping antidepressants: patient perspectives on barriers and facilitators


Timothy Nyugen and Dafni Katsampa summarise a qualitative review of patient perspectives on the barriers and facilitators to stopping antidepressants.

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Masculinity, depression and suicide risk in men with a history of childhood maltreatment


In her debut blog, Cara Richardson explores whether masculine values are differentially linked to men’s mental health functioning, depending on exposure to childhood maltreatment.

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Psychotherapy for depression across different age groups


David Hallford summarises a recent systematic review and meta-analysis on the effectiveness of psychotherapy for depression across the lifespan.

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CBT delivery formats for adult depression: group, telephone & guided self-help all as effective as individual therapy?


Kinga Antal reviews a network meta-analysis which finds that individual, group, telephone and guided self-help CBT are all equally effective for treating depression in adults.

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Should European cities be going green for our mental health?


Eleana Frisira summarises a recent scoping review on the impact that green spaces can have on the mental health of people living in urban settings.

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Ayahuasca-induced increases in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BNDF) associated with reduced depression


Pascal Immanuel Michael summarises a recent RCT, which looks at how a single dose of the psychedelic Ayahuasca may help people with severe depression who have not benefited from more traditional treatment.

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Alexithymia and suicide: can we find the right words to help each other?


Hilary Norman summarises a novel systematic review and meta-analysis, which explores the relationship between alexithymia and suicide ideation and behaviour.

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Mental health services for medical students: are specialist university-based student mental health services the answer?


Penelope Stavrou summarises a recent study on mental health services for medical students, which evaluates a clinical student mental health service in Cambridge.

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Digital interventions for suicidal thinking: a tale of two reviews


In his debut blog, Wouter van Ballegooijen summarises two recent systematic reviews on digital interventions for suicidal thinking, which include more or less the same research, but come to quite different conclusions.

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Transgender discrimination and stigma: links to anxiety and depression


Emily Day summarises a recent study exploring the effects that transgender discrimination and stigma can have on the mental health of trans people, and what strategies individuals use to cope.

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