Behavioural activation for depression and anxiety in young people #ActiveIngredientsMH


Kanika Malik appraises a recent systematic review relating to her own Wellcome Trust funded research on behavioural activation for youth mental health problems.

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Problem solving therapy: is it an effective ingredient for treating depression? #ActiveIngredientsMH


Karolin Krause summarises a systematic review relating to her own Wellcome Trust funded research on problem solving training for young people with depression.

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Mindfulness based childbirth and parenting: positive impact on stress and depression


In her debut blog, Sophia Ahmed summarises an RCT which finds that Mindfulness based childbirth and parenting can help to reduce stress and depression in expectant mothers.

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Self-compassion for anxiety and depression in young people #ActiveIngredientsMH


Sarah Egan summarises a recent systematic review relating to her own Wellcome Trust funded research on self-compassion for the prevention and treatment of anxiety and depression in young people.

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What impact has the COVID-19 pandemic had on people with mental health problems and the services they use?


Dafni Katsampa summarises a broad review which explores the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on mental health care and people with pre-existing mental health problems.

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Antidepressants and psychotherapy for adolescent depression: can they be compared? #ActiveIngredientsMH


Catherine Harmer summarises a recent network meta-analysis relating to her own Wellcome Trust funded research into antidepressants for young people with anxiety or depression.

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One in four UK children exposed to maternal mental illness


Francesca Bentivegna reviews a national retrospective cohort study which explores the prevalence of maternal mental illness among children and adolescents in the UK during 2005-2017.

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Stay fit in response to COVID: simple recommendations and COH-FIT


Marco Solmi tells us about the importance of physical activity as people in the UK enter a second period of coronavirus lockdown.

He also introduces us to the huge international COH-FIT study, which will help us better understand how the pandemic is affecting people and what can help.

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Social security? Evidence about benefits and mental health


Andy Bell summarises a collection of recent academic research papers that have sought to understand the impact of a range of changes to the UK benefits system on people’s mental health.

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Repetitive negative thinking: an important clinical target for the treatment of depression and anxiety? #ActiveIngredientsMH


Imogen Bell summarises a systematic review relating to her own Wellcome Trust funded research into repetitive negative thinking in anxiety and depression.

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