Mental health research funding: is it enough?


In her debut blog, Til Wykes summarises a recent health policy paper on global investment in mental health research funding, which finds a “flat and stable trend” over recent years and “highly unequal geographical distribution of funding”.

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Mental health apps: using implementation science to understand sustained use


Bethany Gill summarises a recent narrative review of mental health apps for depression and anxiety, which explores what’s needed to make sure apps are successfully implemented and used sustainably.

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Cost-effective strategies for mental health workplace intervention


Chris Sampson summarises a review on the cost-effectiveness of mental health workplace interventions, which presents up-to-date evidence on the different things that employers can do to help those in their workforce affected by mental health problems or substance misuse.

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Psychological interventions effective for improving mental health and sleep following complex trauma


In her debut blog, Delia Ciobotaru explores a network meta-analysis which finds that psychological treatments are effective in reducing PTSD symptoms experienced by people with complex trauma.

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‘Chin up, love.’ Why are frail older adults not seeking help for anxiety or depression?


A group of students from the UCL MSc in Mental Health Studies summarise a qualitative study on supporting frail older adults with anxiety or depression.

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Can psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy relieve existential crises in cancer patients?


Pascal Immanuel Michael reviews a randomised controlled trial examining long-term outcomes of psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy for existential distress in patients with cancer.

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Violence and mental illness: does ignoring this blog stigmatise some people who need our help?


In his debut blog, Joseph Schwartz explores a systematic review finding that a range of psychiatric disorders are associated with an elevated risk of violence.

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How has the COVID-19 lockdown affected our mental health?


Marco Solmi and Samuele Cortese review a recent longitudinal study exploring the trajectories of anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 lockdown in England.

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Revenge porn and social anxiety: how can we help victims? #SaferInternetDay


In her debut blog, Katie Masters summarises recent qualitative research, which finds that victims of ‘revenge porn’ can experience symptoms of social anxiety.

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What problems do primary school children bring to counselling?


Julia Badger summarises a study which found that primary aged school children had different reasons for attending counselling to secondary school children.

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