Nerve repositioning for implant placement: neurosensory complications common


This review of complications following inferior alveolar nerve repositioning techniques included 24 studies the majority at high risk of bias. Initial sensory disturbance was highest with lateralisation technique but lower at end of follow up periods than transposition approach.

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Peri-implantitis: little evidence that particular non-surgical treatments are better than debridement alone


This Bayesian network meta-analysis only included 11 small studies of overall low quality. While the greatest reduction in PPD was seen with debridement in conjunction with antibiotics the difference are small so it is difficult to conclude that any particular non-surgical treatment for peri-implantitis performs better than debridement alone

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Endodontic microsurgery or single tooth implants after failed root canal treatment

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This systematic review was looking to compare endodontic microsurgery with single implant placement. No studies directly comparing the two treatments were available. 44 studies of single implants and 6 studies of endodontic microsurgery found 2 -4 years survival rates for endodontic microsurgery were 94% and single implants 96%. The quality of the available evidence was moderate.

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Dental implants: review finds no differences between immediate functional or nonfunctional loading


This review looks at a specific aspect of the loading of dental implants following placement, whether they should have immediate functional or non-functional loading. including 6 randomised controlled trials and 5 controlled trials no significant difference was found between the two approaches

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Dental implant failures reduced with prophylactic antibiotic suggests review

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This new review covers similar ground to the 2013 Cochrane review. It includes non-randomised controlled trials, but as with the Cochrane review the findings suggest that antibiotics reduce early implant failure.

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Full arch dental hybrid prosthesis and supporting dental implants – survival rates


Dominic Hurst comments on this new review that looks at short and long-term survival of implant supported full arch fixed dental hybrid prostheses. While shot-term survival rates look promising fewer studies are available to assess longer term outcomes.

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Immediate loading may increase dental implant failure compared to conventional loading


Dominic Hurst reports on a new systematic review comparing immediate implant loading protocols with conventional protocols that suggests greater risks of failure with immediate loading in contrast to a recent Cochrane review which found no difference.

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Review of dental implant loading within 24hours suggests no difference in annual failure rates compare to conventional loading


While the use of dental implants has become more routine there is still discussion around the most appropriate time for loading implants. The aim of this review was to compare annual failure rates and marginal bone level changes of implants loaded within 24 hours compared with conventional loading. Searches were conducted in Medline and the [read the full story…]

Review finds limited evidence for laser treatment in comparison to conventional treatment of peri-implantitis


Peri-implantitis is a common reason for the failure of dental implants and a number of different treatments for managing this condition have been suggested (Dental Elf 26th Jan 2012). The aim of this review was to assess whether laser therapy was effective either as a monotherapy or as an adjunctive therapy in the treatment of [read the full story…]

Review found no evidence showing that any particular type of dental implant had greater long-term success


Dental Implants now in regular use in dental practice. However they come in an almost bewildering array of sizes and materials and with a range of surface characteristics and modifications. Many of these modifications have been developed with the aim of improving clinical performance. This update of a Cochrane review which was last refreshed in [read the full story…]