Oral Health in people with dementia

This study is the first of its kind from an RCT perspective which clearly shows that treating major depression in older adults using interventions in primary care settings can extend life

This review of oral health in older people with dementia included 37 mainly observational studies of limited quality. The findings suggest that oral health was generally poorer in those with dementia.

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It’s Mental Health Question Time! #MHQT


Today we are announcing a new series of quarterly public discussions about mental health. Join us in London or online at 6pm on 9/11/16 for the first Mental Health Question Time discussion: Dementia – Care or Cure?

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Reminiscence groups for people with dementia and their family carers: REMCARE trial


Elizabeth Collier writes her debut blog on the REMCARE randomised controlled trial of reminiscence groups for people with dementia and their family carers.

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Bipolar disorder in older men linked to increased risk of dementia


Elena Marcus presents a recent study that shows how older Australian men with bipolar disorder have an increased risk of dementia and early death.

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It’s a jungle out there: the natural history of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia


Caroline Struthers scrutinises a systematic review on the longitudinal course of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia.

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Dementia in Down syndrome: Are we ready for a clinical trial?


Leen Vereenooghe summarises the TOP-COG study (Towards Onset Prevention of COGnitive decline in adults with Down syndrome). This pilot RCT highlights the need to educate people with learning disabilities and their carers about the importance of research participation.

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