Advance care planning in dementia nursing homes with family carers

Josie Dixon considers a paired-cluster randomised controlled trial of an advance care planning intervention, called the Family Carer Decision Support (FCDS) intervention, undertaken by Kevin Brazil and colleagues (2018) in dementia nursing homes.

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Sleep problems in dementia: a promising treatment?


A group of UCL Masters Students summarise the DREAMS-START trial (Dementia RElAted Manual for Sleep; STrAtegies for RelaTives), which looks at the feasibility and acceptability of a simple 6 session intervention delivered by psychology graduates for people with dementia and their carers affected by sleep disturbances.

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‘Well – what do you know?’ Insights into information work among carers of people living with dementia

carers information

Jill Manthorpe’s blog considers findings from a scoping review and institutional ethnography of the ‘information work’ done by family carers of community-dwelling older adults living with dementia, by Dalmer (2018).

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Reminiscence therapy for people living with dementia: Cochrane review is inconclusive


Liz Collier and Solomon Towuru summarise the recently updated Cochrane systematic review on reminiscence therapy for dementia, which includes evidence showing that reminiscence therapy may improve quality of life, cognition, communication and possibly mood in people with dementia in some circumstances, although all the benefits were small.

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Lack of wealth may increase our risk of dementia

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A group of UCL Mental Health Masters students summarise a recent cohort study of the individual and area-based socioeconomic factors associated with dementia incidence in England.

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Can museums help prevent dementia?


Dafni Katsampa and Derek Tracy get all cultured and summarise a retrospective cohort study of museum attendance and dementia incidence, which suggests that cultural engagement may help protect us from cognitive decline.

The research is led by Daisy Fancourt who heads up the new MARCH Network which is launching later this month.

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Behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia: GPs’ perspective on management


Marie Crabbe presents the findings of a mixed-methods systematic review, which looks at General Practitioners’ knowledge, attitudes and experiences of managing behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia.

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A roadmap to advance dementia research and care by 2025


Clarissa Giebel unfolds and reviews a new roadmap to advance dementia research in prevention, diagnosis, intervention and care by 2025.

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Emotional distress in dementia: qualitative systematic review


Hilary Shepherd examines a qualitative systematic review that aimed to present all available descriptions of emotional distress and explanations for emotional distress experienced by people with dementia, articulated personally and by others.

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