Dr Kirsten Lawson reviews one of Dr Wayne Katons’ last cohort studies looking into depression and diabetes and it’s effect on the risk of dementia.
[read the full story...]Dr Kirsten Lawson reviews one of Dr Wayne Katons’ last cohort studies looking into depression and diabetes and it’s effect on the risk of dementia.
[read the full story...]Caroline Struthers critically analyses research on a tool to capture understandings of dementia in UK South Asian communities and wonders about the application of the study to social care practice.
[read the full story...]Clarissa Giebel interrogates a systematic review on quality of life measures for people living in care homes and discovers what’s best for people with dementia as well as those without.
[read the full story...]Clarissa Giebel summarises a systematic review, which concludes that the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) has good sensitivity (77.2%) and specificity (85.9%) for diagnosing dementia in multicultural populations.
[read the full story...]Down syndrome is the most common cause of learning disability in the UK and increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s dementia is well documented.
In her debut blog, Silvana Mengoni looks at a paper which uses three case studies to consider some interesting trajectories of dementia which raise some interesting questions.
[read the full story...]Akshay Nair summarises a recent systematic review and meta-analysis of modifiable predictors of dementia in mild cognitive impairment. The meta-analysis finds that diabetes and the presence of any neuropsychiatric symptoms significantly predicted the conversion of mild cognitive impairment to dementia.
[read the full story...]Clarissa Giebel highlights 5 new Cochrane reviews on dementia diagnosis, focusing on the Mini-Cog, IQCODE and MMSE diagnostic tests.
[read the full story...]Caroline Struthers critically appraises a recent RCT of diet, exercise, cognitive training and vascular risk monitoring to prevent cognitive decline and dementia in at-risk Finnish women.
[read the full story...]Clarissa Giebel looks at a paper by fellow blogger, Jill Manthorpe, and explores findings on what makes dementia care home staff happy in their jobs.
[read the full story...]Rosalyn Nelson writes her debut blog on a recent systematic review, which looks at the effectiveness of exercise programs to reduce falls in older people with dementia living in the community.
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