Guidelines for involving young people with lived experience in suicide research


Dhea Bengardi summarises a Delphi study that involved lived experience and researcher stakeholders in developing a comprehensive set of guidelines for involving youth with lived and living experience of suicide in suicide research.

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Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me… or will they?


Laura Hemming reflects on the findings of a recent Australian study, which looks at personal language use around suicide, mental health concerns and alcohol and other drug use, and seeks to find consensus on how we speak to each other about these issues.

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Using digital technologies to support young people at risk of suicide: new guidance from a Delphi study


Becky Appleton summarises a recent Delphi study that led to the development of the first clinical guidelines for implementing digital technology within mental healthcare for young people with suicidal thoughts and behaviours.

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From climate anxiety to climate action: developing global mental health recommendations


Ella Tuominen considers a set of new global recommendations for action on climate change and mental health across sectors including healthcare, research, policy, and third sector organisations.

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Talking to young people about online safety: the who, what, when and how


In his debut blog, Luke Bayliss explores a Delphi study that will help mental health practitioners to converse with young people about their online activities and impact on mental health.

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Systematic review identifies key parenting factors associated with adolescent depression and anxiety


Parenting is a tough gig. As a mum of three, I can honestly say that nothing in my everyday professional life comes close to the trials and tribulations of guiding small people through toddlerhood and beyond. Parenting advice comes thick and fast from all corners, most of it unsolicited, some of it anecdotal, much of [read the full story…]