Trish Darcy on a systematic review which suggests a protective association between green space exposure and all suicide-related outcomes. The protective associations were stronger for women than for men.
[read the full story...]Trish Darcy on a systematic review which suggests a protective association between green space exposure and all suicide-related outcomes. The protective associations were stronger for women than for men.
[read the full story...]Monika Raniti and Jennifer Dam summarise a recent narrative systematic review, which suggests that school connectedness can help protect against suicidality, but the research points to it being more protective of suicidal ideation than suicide attempts.
[read the full story...]Today is World Mental Health Day and the theme this year is ‘Prioritising Mental Health in the Workplace’. Clare Gerada reviews a study showing that doctor suicide rates, particularly for females, exceed those of the general population.
[read the full story...]Pauline Rivart summarises a national cohort study of ethnicity and suicide in England and Wales, which presents a “paradoxical finding of a lower rate of suicide in almost all minority ethnic groups compared with the White British majority”.
[read the full story...]In her debut blog, Brittany Oldale collaborates with Sarah Watts to summarise a grounded theory study that sought to create a postvention theory for how to support colleagues’ following a colleague’s suicide within the NHS.
[read the full story...]Anneka Tomlinson and Andrea Cipriani from the University of Oxford co-write this important blog on causes of mortality among those with bipolar disorder, highlighting the importance of suicide prevention across age groups.
[read the full story...]Anya Borissova reviews a French trial that claims to be evidence that “ketamine is rapid, safe in the short term, and has persistent benefits for acute care in suicidal patients”.
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