Bored on the ward: service user experiences of activities on acute mental health inpatient wards

Middle age blonde woman wearing sweater and glasses thinking looking tired and bored with depression problems with crossed arms.

Clair Le Boutillier looks at a recent qualitative review which asks what service users think of activities available on acute mental health inpatient wards.

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Dementia day programmes: how can we tell if they are effective?


Caroline Struthers looks at a study on the effectiveness of a NZ dementia day programme but wonders about the use of outcomes measures in the research.

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‘More time for what’? Leisure, life and learning disabilities


Hannah Morgan from the Centre for Disability Research at Lancaster University takes a critical look at a Swedish study on leisure and people with learning disabilities and discusses what the findings mean for the UK context.

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Lack of activity for adults with learning disability also impacts on siblings


Ten years ago, the Mencap campaigns team produced a document setting out the lack of activity for many people with learning disabilities, A Life in the Day, Campaigns Team, Mencap, February 2002.) This continues to be a concern today for many. This US study responded to the concerns expressed by parents and professionals about the [read the full story…]

Active support training was effective in supporting people with learning disabilities to be engaged in daily activities


Active Support involves concerns training staff in working practices and organisational procedures to improve levels of resident participation and increase levels of engagement in activities. It is being introduced in many support services for people with learning disabilities to help bring about such improvements. This Australian study set out to look at what happened when [read the full story…]

Thematic organisation of activities did not improve quality for people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities.


The idea of organising activities thematically has been developed in the Netherlands. The expected outcomes of this approach have been suggested as the provision of more activities with greater variety along with more attention offered to each individual person. 23 attendees of one day centre took part in a study of this new approach. The [read the full story…]