Vanessa Pinfold and Jennie Parker from the McPin Foundation explore a recent systematic review of service user, clinician, and carer perspectives on mental health diagnosis.
[read the full story...]Vanessa Pinfold and Jennie Parker from the McPin Foundation explore a recent systematic review of service user, clinician, and carer perspectives on mental health diagnosis.
[read the full story...]Lucy Simons considers the findings of an ethnographic study led by Diana Rose that observed in-depth how service user-led organisations work to change mental health services.
[read the full story...]It’s often quoted that 70% of change programmes fail in the NHS but it’s less clear why and what the solutions may be.
In this blog, Alison Turner considers an evidence scan by Health Foundation, which offers some insight on the key barriers, which hamper improvement in projects and programmes.
[read the full story...]Talk to any manager who leads a team supporting people with learning disabilities and ask about what are the key features impacting on performance and the conversation will turn to team culture. However, clearly defining culture in way that is amenable to study in research has a number of difficulties and so whilst it recurs [read the full story…]
Yesterday we posted about a U.S. review which identified the small number of studies on substance abuse and the lack of clear estimates of prevalence. Normally, here at Elf towers, we only identify studies that are reviews of literature, or single studies that report results. But given yesterday’s posting, we thought it might be interesting [read the full story…]
Inclusion is at the heart of national policy relating to the support of people with learning disabilities, but there is little research available into the attitudes of the general public to people with learning disabilities. The researchers in this study were interested in particular in the how young people from White British and South Asian [read the full story…]