Effects of NSAIDs on dental implant osseointegration

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In his first blog for the Dental Elf Alex Orchard looks at a review of studies assessing the impact of non-steroidal antiflamatory drugs (NDAIDs) on dental implant osseointegration. Only a very small number of studies were identified providing insufficient information to draw any conclusions.

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Orthodontic pain: The efficacy of analgesics


This review of the efficacy of of analgesics on the relief of pain during orthodontic treatment included 12 RCTs. The findings demonstrate that analgesics were more effective than placebo in controlling orthodontic pain

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COX-2 inhibitors for pain management after third molar removal

Many drugs are licensed for use in Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), but it is unclear what works best.

This review comparing the efficacy of Cox-2 inhibitors with ibuprofen after third molar removal included 12 RCTs suggesting that COX-2 inhibotors and Ibuprofen provide similar pain relief at 6, 8, and 12 h after third molar removal.

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