Mark-Steven Howe looks at rapid review of eye protection equipment for preventing transmission of COVID-19 in primary care.
[read the full story...]What is the most appropriate gown/apron for preventing Covid-19 contaminated fluids transfer in dental practice?
Mark-Steven Howe reanalyses a recent Cochrane review on personal protective equipment focusing on the evidence from a primary care rather than secondary care perspective.
[read the full story...]Can enhanced CBT help people with eating disorders during COVID-19?
Helen Bould summarises a guide for clinicians on how to deliver enhanced cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT-E) for people with eating disorders during COVID-19.
[read the full story...]Mouthwash; can it reduce levels of Covid-19 in the mouth?
This latest rapid review from Mark-Steven Howe looks at the virucidal efficacy of commonly used oral mouthwashes. No high quality evidence was identified. Some demonstrate good virucidal properties but have poor substativity with the benefits being lost within a few minutes.
[read the full story...]Guidance for online therapy during COVID-19
Liesbeth Tip highlights the new OxCADAT guidance for psychotherapists providing online therapy for people with anxiety, panic or trauma.
This blog also contains many ideas and an extensive list of useful research and resources for delivering internet based treatment for people during the COVID-19 pandemic.
[read the full story...]How much extra protection does an FFP3 mask offer in the dental surgery?
This rapid review suggests that in the clinical environment where high volume aspiration and rubber dam is in use during dental AGP procedures there may be no significant additional benefit in wearing an FFP3/FFP2 or surgical mask.
[read the full story...]Mental health scientists stand up to COVID-19
Alexandra Pitman, Sonia Johnson and Michael Bloomfield respond to the mental health and COVID-19 research priorities set out in a new position paper published in The Lancet Psychiatry on 15th April 2020.
[read the full story...]Moral injury: the overlooked stressor of the NHS
Heather McClelland summarises a recent BMJ article by Prof Neil Greenberg and colleagues, which looks to prevent moral injury and promote psychological growth in NHS staff working through the COVID-19 pandemic.
[read the full story...]Flu pandemics, schizophrenia and the immune system: could history repeat itself?
Sameer Jauhar summarises a recent narrative review about the risk of schizophrenia linked to the Spanish Influenza Pandemic over 100 years ago. He relates this work to our current pandemic and considers the possibility of a link between COVID-19 and an increased risk of psychosis.
[read the full story...]COVID trauma response: pandemics require trauma-informed mental health support
Sarah Steeg reviews the new trauma-informed guidance for healthcare workers, developed by the COVID Trauma Response Working Group from UCL and the Camden and Islington NHS Trust. The guidance aims to provide a coordinated, trauma-informed and evidence-based psychological response to the COVID outbreak.
[read the full story...]