Helen Dodd summarises a recent non-inferiority randomised controlled trial led by Cathy Creswell, which investigated the effectiveness of digitally augmented parent-led CBT for child anxiety.
[read the full story...]Long-term psychoanalytic psychotherapy for treatment-resistant depression: not cost-effective compared to treatment as usual
In her debut blog, Ella Tuominen considers the Tavistock Adult Depression Study (TADS), which evaluated the cost-effectiveness of long-term psychoanalytic psychotherapy for treatment resistant depression compared to treatment as usual.
[read the full story...]The healthcare cost of multimorbidity in people with mental health diagnoses in Denmark
Kitty Saunders and Silke Vereeken explore the individual and population level healthcare costs of multimorbidities in people with at least one mental health diagnosis in Denmark.
[read the full story...]Telemental health: mega-blog on remote mental health care during the pandemic
In her debut blog, Philippa Clery presents the findings of three studies from the NIHR Mental Health Policy Research Unit, which explore the acceptability and efficacy of telemental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
[read the full story...]A map of England’s community mental health interventions: are we meeting people’s needs?
In her debut blog, Elena Opie considers a study that aimed to map community mental health interventions related to policy and practice for improving adult mental health in England.
[read the full story...]Digital youth mental health interventions: will the evidence ever catch up?
Robbie Fraser summarises an overview of systematic reviews, which finds that computerised CBT for anxiety and depression remains the best evidenced digital mental health intervention for young people.
[read the full story...]School based humanistic counselling: a little better than pastoral care, but more expensive
In her debut blog, Annie Stevenson reports on an RCT finding that school-based humanistic counselling reduces psychological distress, but is not cost-effective.
[read the full story...]Stratified care versus stepped care for depression: which is more effective?
Sarah Watts reviews a cluster randomised clinical trial investigating the effectiveness of stratified care compared to stepped care for depression, which has implications for IAPT services.
[read the full story...]What’s the best approach for managing social disability in young people with emerging severe mental illness?
Zoe Hunter and Derek Tracy summarise a new RCT on social recovery therapy out today in the British Journal of Psychiatry, which investigates how to prevent and treat social disability in young people with emerging severe mental illness.
[read the full story...]Internet-based psychotherapy may be cost-effective for anxiety and depression
Ally Canaway blogs a systematic review which finds evidence of internet-based psychological interventions being cost-effective for depression and anxiety.
[read the full story...]