Is there a causal link between mental health problems and risk of COVID-19 infection?


In his debut blog, Andrew Steptoe summarises two recent papers using electronic health record datasets, which suggest that having a psychiatric diagnosis may put people at risk of COVID-19 infection.

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What impact has the COVID-19 pandemic had on people with mental health problems and the services they use?


Dafni Katsampa summarises a broad review which explores the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on mental health care and people with pre-existing mental health problems.

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Aerosol generating procedures: minimising production during dental procedures


This Cochrane rapid review of the effectiveness of methods used during dental treatment procedures to minimize aerosol production and reduce or neutralize contamination in aerosols. While the studies suggest a reduction in the levels of bacterial contamination the quality of the studies means the evidence is of low certainty.

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Saliva in the diagnosis of COVID-19


Saliva has been suggested as having potential diagnostic value in COVID-19 patients. In this blog Manas Dave looks at a recent review of the subject which included 28 studies.

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Powered Air-Purifying Respirator (PAPR) use for prevention of highly infectious viral disease in healthcare workers


Mark-Steven Howe takes a look at a preprint of a systematic review that evaluates the effect of Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPRs)for respiratory protection compared with N95/FFP2 masks on HCW infection rates and contamination.

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Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 screening: Could it accidentally cause local lockdowns?


Mark-Steven Howe takes a look coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 screening and the implications of false positive tests in this blog

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CBT for health anxiety: should it be delivered in person or online?


Francesca Bentivegna explores a timely RCT concluding that delivering internet-based (email) CBT for health anxiety is non-inferior to face to face CBT in the short-term. The study also concludes that iCBT is more cost-effective.

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Aerosol and Surface Stability of SARS-CoV-2


Manas Dave summarises a recent study on the stability of SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV-1 in aerosols. The findings show that the virus remains viable and survives on a number of different surfaces.

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FFP3 fit testing accuracy and Covid-19 prevalence update

FFP3 Atemluftfilter_Einwegmaske

In another of his series of blogs on Covid-19 Mark-Steven Howe looks at the latest data on prevalence from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) and data on the fit testing of FFP3 masks.

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Covid-19: Asymptomatic/presymptomatic and the next patient?


Mark-Steven Howe takes a close look at a new systematic review estimating the extent of true asymptomatic individuals and the associated risk of community spread.

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