Georgie Parker summarises a prospective 2-year longitudinal cohort study investigating the course and predictors of outcome in avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) in young people.
[read the full story...]Georgie Parker summarises a prospective 2-year longitudinal cohort study investigating the course and predictors of outcome in avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) in young people.
[read the full story...]Kitty Saunders and Silke Vereeken explore the individual and population level healthcare costs of multimorbidities in people with at least one mental health diagnosis in Denmark.
[read the full story...]In her debut blog, Svenja Geissler reviews a Norwegian cohort study, which suggests that different parenting styles can strengthen or weaken the link between prenatal stress in mothers and depression or anxiety in their offspring.
[read the full story...]Oluwaseun Oluwaranti reviews a cohort study which finds that participants exposed to complex trauma had more severe mental health problems and poorer cognitive function at 18 years of age.
[read the full story...]In his debut blog, Joseph Schwartz explores a systematic review finding that a range of psychiatric disorders are associated with an elevated risk of violence.
[read the full story...]In her debut blog, Jessica Armitage reviews a recent cohort study, which suggests that it may be possible to predict risk of psychopathology in victimised children.
[read the full story...]Akansha Naraindas summarises the findings of a small qualitative study of home-based family therapy for conduct disorder in teenagers.
[read the full story...]Lucinda Powell summarises a systematic review of universal resilience-focused interventions targeting child and adolescent mental health in the school setting.
[read the full story...]Tony McGinn presents a high-level overview of the state of parent training evidence. His blog draws on over 30 systematic reviews with meta-analyses, to bring you a handy summary of what works.
[read the full story...]Pete Etchells posts his debut Mental Elf blog on a recent study, which explored whether video games were associated with mental illness, cognition or social skills in young children.
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