André Tomlin’s #MindTech2016 talk about computerised cognitive behavioural therapy and depression.
[read the full story...]iCBT for depression: how does it work?
Mark Smith presents the findings from a qualitative systematic review of iCBT for depression, which tries to unearth the mechanisms of change of internet-based or computerised cognitive behavioural therapy.
[read the full story...]Digital interventions for social anxiety disorder: new meta-analysis finds mixed results
Carla McEnery reports on a recent meta-analysis of technology-assisted interventions for Social Anxiety Disorder, which finds positive results from Internet-delivered CBT and Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy.
[read the full story...]iCBT may be an effective treatment for PTSD
André Tomlin explores a recent systematic review and meta-analysis of the effectiveness of Internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy (iCBT) for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
[read the full story...]Telehealth for depression: large pragmatic RCT of complex intervention
Emily Stapley presents the findings of a trial which looks at the effectiveness of an integrated telehealth service for patients with depression.
[read the full story...]Cognitive therapies for depression in adults: let’s just stick to the facts
Ioana Cristea reviews the NIHR-DC Highlight on cognitive therapies for depression, published online today, which summarises three NIHR-funded trials (REEACT, CoBalT and PREVENT) looking at cCBT, CBT and MBCT for depression in adults.
[read the full story...]Computerised CBT for depression is no better than usual GP care: the REEACT trial
Another debut blog today, this time from Suzanne Dash, who presents the results of the REEACT trial published last week in the BMJ. The study found limited uptake of computerised CBT by people with clinical depression and no benefit of free or commercially available cCBT packages over usual GP care.
[read the full story...]Is cCBT doing it for the kids, but not the adults?
Karina Lovell appraises the first UK RCT of computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (cCBT) for depression in children and young people, which shows a clinically meaningful improvement in depression and anxiety.
[read the full story...]Does cCBT hold promise for the treatment of depression and anxiety in youth?
Andres Fonseca appraises and summarises two recent meta-analyses of computerised therapies (including cCBT) for anxiety and depression in children and young people.
[read the full story...]Psychotherapy for depression in primary care. Better evidence please…
Andrew Shepherd summarises a recent systematic review of the effectiveness of psychotherapy for depression in primary care, which contains a lot of data but leaves him feeling rather deflated.
[read the full story...]