This small RCT of a computer game to deliver oral health education in high caries risk children and families was highly satisfactory to users. Improvements in knowledge were demonstrated is the short term > however there was a high drop out rate an further studies are needed to assess change sin other groups and longer term benefits.
[read the full story...]Caries risk assessment using the Cariogram model in young adults
This three year long prospective cohort study involving over 1,000 young Swedish adults found that the Cariogram system was no better than existing methods for caries risk assessment.
[read the full story...]Study suggests that a computer program may have some success in managing patients with dental needle fear
Significant fear of dental injections has been reported in as many as one in four adults. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of Computer Assisted Relaxation Learning (CARL) with an informational pamphlet for reducing dental injection fear. CARL is a self-paced, computerized program based on systematic desensitization aimed at reducing fear [read the full story…]