“I can’t trust anyone”: the role of cognitive processes in PTSD symptoms in young people in care #CAMHScampfire


Douglas Badenoch summarises a longitudinal study of cognitive predictors of (complex) post-traumatic stress in young people in out-of-home care.

Follow #CAMHScampfire on Twitter at 5pm BST on Monday 29th March for an online journal club discussing this paper.

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Psychological interventions effective for improving mental health and sleep following complex trauma


In her debut blog, Delia Ciobotaru explores a network meta-analysis which finds that psychological treatments are effective in reducing PTSD symptoms experienced by people with complex trauma.

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PTSD: the current picture #ISTSS2019


Jon Bisson summarises an expert review written by Richard Bryant on post-traumatic stress disorder, which covers the current definitions of PTSD, its known prevalence and risk factors, the main models to explain the disorder, and evidence-supported treatments.

Readers who want to know more should follow the live coverage of the 35th annual International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies conference, taking place in Boston this week. The Twitter hashtag is #ISTSS2019.

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Brutalised child soldiers and traumatic distress


Our blog today explores a new study in the British Journal of Psychiatry of post-traumatic stress disorder among former Yazidi child soldiers in northern Iraq.

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